
Use plutocracy in a sentence
Use plutocracy in a sentence

use plutocracy in a sentence use plutocracy in a sentence

Here are some of the more popular ones:Ī pluto cracy is led by pluto crats. There are many, many different systems of rule that we could talk about at length. The second best form of the Greek system of government was the timo cracy, or “rule by” those who either owned property or were ranking members of the military both Plato and Aristotle discussed the timo cracy, which was a decided step down from the pure aristo crat since the timo crat was never actually trained in how to rule civilians as the Philosopher King was. The original lofty conception of the aristo crat as the state’s best possible “ruler” significantly degraded after the writing of The Republic, and finally became simply “rule” by those who had royal blood and/or a lot of money, things which made them the “best” rulers by default. The Philosopher King was considered to be that aristo crat or best “ruler,” but only became that way after he had gone through many, many years of training in order to be able to “rule” wisely and justly. Plato wrote that the top form of government was the aristo cracy, or “rule by” the best.

use plutocracy in a sentence

The Greek philosopher Plato authored a literary work called The Republic in which he discussed the various best forms of government. Let’s continue with more types of government instituted by the ancient Greeks. There are many other types of “rule” throughout world government systems. The ancient Greeks were the founders of demo cracy, or “rule by” the people, but interestingly enough firmly believed that the demo cratic system of government could not work with more than ten-thousand people. We all know that a demo cracy is “rule by” the people the word demo crat was originally formed to indicate a member of government who supports “rule” by the people, the demo cratic principle of government. The Greek word crat means “rule,” and the corresponding suffix -cracy means “rule by.” Here follows a good sampling of different types of “rulerships” throughout the world, all containing the suffix -cracy and root word crat.

Use plutocracy in a sentence